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WCDC Helps To Get Watts Inmate Released After 20 Years

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WCDC helps inmate get out of prison with petition and letters from the community
employee and post employment retention services for re-entry and chronic incarcerated minorities



In mid 2019, the WCDC spoke with the family of a Mr. Barnard McGaughy, who had been locked-up for nearly 20 years, for an offense, that most would have been released under 10 years.


Barnard rehabilitated himself and became a role model and a god loving young man. The first words Barnard said, "The WCDC letter helped me get out!" Our mission is to help beautiful people like Mr. McGaughy, without hesitation, and with strong conviction


Female construction workers gets help from nonprofit in the city of watts


DINNER FOR FIVE: The WCDC provides some relief for this lovely female Construction Worker waiting to get back on the job and take care of her family. The WCDC is 100% committed to providing outstanding service and giving back to the people that we, so love, and cherish. 


Meet this beautiful mother and family of five. A picture is worth a thousand words, and this picture of this proud mother and excellent worker is worth its weight in gold.

Councilman Joe Buscaino's Community Grant To Provide Job Retention Services

Joe Buscaino's grant helps low income residents in Watts get funding and services from nonprofits


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The WCDC nonprofit rewards residents with money and gifts

The WCDC Is Helping
People Just LIKE

      We are there when you need us. The Watts Community Development Corporation is proud to present several recipients that were selected to receive post-employment retention services based on Councilman's Job Buscaino Community Grant Awards to help people with challenged living conditions to get work, including the chronic incarcerated community, court and child support impacted workers, women, homelessness, and low income individuals. Special thanks to all the great citizens of Watts that has helped the WCDC and donated to our cause. Thank you...

Watts Development Corporation needs your kindly donations to help us complete our mission


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Grassroots volunteer services in South Los Angeles


Nonprofit volunteers hitting the streets and talking to the people.
Man signs up to help nonprofit in Watts


Construction worker lands great paying job in Watts

Hard-working Son Cares For His Mother

Meet Ronald, a long-time resident of South Central Los Angeles, a hard-worker, and a loving son to his 96 year old mother. The WCDC on behalf of Councilman's Joe Buscaino is proud to help struggling families like Ron live life a little better. 


Child support and back child support affects many families by removing needy funding to buy food, clothing, and shelter. Ron had his driver license taken, affecting his ability to care for his mother. Sometimes we all need a little help, sometimes, just to make it to the next day. We are proud of you Ronald and God Bless your family with love and happiness. 


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LATCC logo from the college

     Rommel has dreams of becoming a plumber and is studying at Los Angeles Trade Technical College. Rommel shops and buy from the local small hardware store on Central and 108th street. Rommel was seen just staring at the tools because he could not afford them and his school academics was on the line. Thanks again to Councilman Buscaino for believing in Rommel and helping to make his dreams come true. 

LATCC student living in Watts gets boost from Nonprofit in South Los Angeles


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Jordan Downs redevelopment project in the city of Watts
This is a beautiful picture of the new Jordan housing development

Dreams Do Come True In The City Watts


Our Women Improving Retention Skills

Picture of the nonprofit Sisters of Watts

South Central Los Angeles and the city of Watts is known for grooming some of the best women and and ladies around. The city is changing and women all over the U.S. are knocking on the labor and construction doors and taking executive jobs and running with them. The Watts Community Development Corporation is happy to be a small part of this legacy movement and we want to do our part. Congratulations to all our beautiful strong women in Watts for picking-up the pace and making a difference.

Employee gets a certificate to train and get a better paying job in the city of Watts


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Picture while at WLCAC for job fair and hiring services for residents in the city of Watts

Jordan Down's

The WCDC attended the WorkSource Job Fair new hire event in the Jordan Downs Redevelopment site last Thursday. We had a lot of fun and PVJOBS, Worksource, HACLA, Bridge Housing, Michaels, and Starbucks was there showing love and support for the community of Watts. The redevelopment and redesign. So, if you happen to be in the city of Watts - Stop by and say hi to everybody! 


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Marina Doctor In Watts

I like helping out and I am definitely interested in helping disadvantage people live better and reach their goals in life. I don't mind coming down and volunteering and getting my hands dirty. I want to make a difference. Thanks! Dr. Uzun 

Marina doctor helping poor people in Watts

Helping People...


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Beautiful black lady going back to school in south central los angeles

Supporting Our Women

Women residents of Watts are gaining skills and fighting for their futures. Thanks Shawana!

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Reentry, new jobs, chronic incarcerated, rehabilitated, help for fathers in Watts

Working on a Night Move...

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Raffle gifts to women looking for help in Watts
Man holding up gift cards he got from nonprofit

WCDC helping Real People with Real Lives...


Watts community development corporation cleaning up downtown los angeles

The WCDC Cleaning-Up Downtown Los Angles 

We Care About Social Change


Helping The Homeless Community

MacArthur's Park

     Saturday, December 11, 2021, The Watts Community Development Corporation, in concert with the Global Peace organization headed out to Mac Arthur's Park were we provided a host of services including prayer, music, hot meals, food giveaway, clothing, and haircuts for the homeless.
Social Justice and Change is important and the Watts Community Development Corporation is proud to be there. Please donate and make a difference.

helping homeless people in downtown los angeles with the Korean Church
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Build Plus and Watts Community Development Corporation donates this car to poor family with kids

Nonprofits Coming Together to Help
Single Mom in the City of Watts

The Watts Community Development Corporation and Build Plus Community Marketplace Nonprofits comes together to help a single mother living in the city of Watts who recently lost her sister in a tragic accident, leaving behind four precious children to be raised by her younger sister. This is a tragic story coming out of Watts and our efforts are focusing on sustainability and primary supportive efforts. The WCDC and Build Plus Community Marketplace are doing all we can to help the family: 1). Purchased dependable transportation for the family. 2). Provide bi-weekly food assistance through our Food Bank Agency. 3). Provide professional resume and retention services, and 4). Provide emergency supplementary funding for gas, travel, and work expenses. If you would like to help this family directly, please send an email to:


Andrew Grundig, Safety Coordinator II

Volunteers Of America Los Angeles 


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WCDC Gets Over 150 Community Signatures To Release Father From Prison

Man gets out of prison and nonprofit helps him to get a job
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The WCDC is very happy to report that this proud father was released from prison after the community came together and signed a petition demanding his release. The WCDC purchased clothing for job interviewing and awarded funding for travel and job seeking services. The city of Watts is looking better all the time. Thanks for supporting our grassroots efforts.


feeding the homeless community downtown

Los Angeles South Central Homeless Victims Located Downtown 

The Watts Community Development Corporation provided free hair cutting and grooming services to one of the hardest hit homeless locations in Los Angeles County, on San Pedro and 5th Street. The homeless services included hot meals for everyone, free clothing wear, can food goods and candies, prayers and church services by the Korean Church Ministry, and homeless resource referrals for veterans and other homeless victims. The WCDC also handed out 10 $100 Visa Certificates for South Central Los Angeles residents to help them with food and clothing barriers, including a homeless woman with two dogs and no food to feed them. You can Volunteer or Donate to help make a difference today.



Congratulations to Miccahi who is graduating this year and he wants to become a successful business owner and entrepreneur. Miccahi, like many graduating students this year is looking to assume his role as a community leader and make important changes that involves everybody and every culture. The WCDC is honored to support the young men and women of Watts.  

Jordan Downs High School graduate getting help from nonprofit to get a job and be a better person


Women lands a good job after nonprofit in Watts helps her to buy clothes and resume building


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Expungement Of Unwanted Record ASAP

WE DID IT! Ms. Edwards is a perfect example of what we want to see in our beautiful black women today. She believes in family and helping others and she is looking to pave her own way in the near future. Like so many young black women in the United States, Ms. Edwards was wrongfully arrested and criminalized by the US justice department, while attending college out of state. The WCDC was very honored to help Ms. Edwards remove all history of this criminal record from her profile forever. Thanks to councilman Joe Buscaino's office and the entire Watts family team for making this happen. This is Great News! Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Expungement of record for this beautiful black young lady looking to take control of her future


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Watts Community Development Corporation

Set your calendars today and come and join us at Cedar Grove Park for an afternoon of fun, entertainment, and family safety regarding vaccinations and boosters. We will see you there!

nonprofit event for vaccines and children
event flyer


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